1.5m academy
1.5m Academy serves as a solution for the 1.5m distance rule introduced during the covid-19 pandemic, within an art academy. The application is paired with Bluetooth beacons and makes use of the student’s current location to track the positioning of students within the school, to make sure the 1.5m distance rule is applied within the academy.
Students will be able to view the schools map, presenting them with an overview of the rooms, displaying general data of the room, like; the amount of people in a room, the maximum capacity of a room, and more.
To make sure the data tracked is constantly and updated live, students must scan a QR code upon entering and leaving a room. If, by any chance, they forget to do so, active Bluetooth beacons will be able to disconnect them from a room, or display a pop-up which will warn them, telling them have to scan the QR code to enter the room.
The 1.5m Academy app does not make use of the school’s colors, due to them being too dark for student’s likings. After a conducted survey, the students requested “brighter” and “uplifting” colors for the application, due to this motivating them more to use it. Hence why the chosen colors are conducted.
Since the academy has two buildings, there are two different color palettes used, to make it easy for the student to distinguish what building they are looking at.
Generally, the application is user friendly, making it easy and fun to navigate, while also presenting helpful and informative data for the student’s everyday use within the academy.